The choice of materials is an essential stage in the creation of our bags. It is based on a precise and meticulous selection of the different materials that make up the bag. The quality of the bag is a direct result of the choice of materials. This choice is much more than a simple decision: it's made to offer you the best quality while meeting your desires in terms of style and fashion. Our bags are made from a variety of carefully selected materials.
Leather bags, the hallmark of our brand, are made from a unique type of leather. This rare, high-quality leather is perfectly suited to our creations, guaranteeing exceptional quality. The leather we use is the fruit of ancestral know-how and is made in France, giving each bag a touch of authenticity and durability.
As for the textile bags, they incorporate materials such as tapestry, decorated with vintage and historical patterns. These materials allow us to create bags inspired by history, adding a cultural and narrative dimension to our creations.